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London Bike Rides

London Bike Rides

About this project

London Bike Rides Tableau Project

Goal: The goal of this project was to create a Tableau dashboard to monitor and analyze London bike ride data. The focus was on understanding ride counts, trends over time, and the impact of weather conditions (temperature and wind speed) on ride frequency.


  1. Ride Count: Monitored the total number of bike rides over the selected period.
  2. 14-Day Moving Average: Evaluated the moving average of bike rides to identify trends over time.
  3. Temperature vs. Wind Speed: Analyzed the relationship between temperature, wind speed, and the number of rides.
  4. Time Period Analysis: Provided an option to filter and analyze data for specific time periods.

Discovering and Presenting Insights:

  1. Data Collection and Organization: Gathered bike ride data, including ride counts, temperature, and wind speed, and organized it for analysis.
  2. Data Visualization: Used Tableau to create a dashboard with visual elements such as line charts and heatmaps to represent ride trends and weather impact.
  3. Trend Analysis: Conducted analysis to identify trends and patterns in bike rides over time.
  4. Interactive Features: Implemented interactive features allowing users to filter data by date, moving average duration, and weather conditions, enhancing the ability to explore and understand the data.

This project provides valuable insights to understand bike ride trends, the impact of weather conditions, and supports strategic planning for bike-sharing services through a user-friendly and interactive Tableau dashboard.

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