Plant Co. Business Performance Insights

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Plant Co. Business Performance Insights

Plant Co. Business Performance Insights

About this project

Plant Co. Business Performance Insights Project

Goal: The goal of this project was to create a Power BI dashboard to monitor and analyze the yearwise sales performance of Plant Co. The focus was on understanding sales trends, performance across different countries and product categories, and profitability to support strategic business decisions.


  1. Sales Performance: Monitored year-to-date (YTD) sales performance compared to previous year-to-date (PYTD).
  2. Country-wise Performance: Evaluated sales performance across different countries.
  3. Product Category Analysis: Analyzed sales performance across various product categories (indoor, landscape, outdoor).
  4. Profitability Analysis: Assessed gross profit percentage (GP%) and overall profitability.
  5. Trend Analysis: Identified monthly sales trends and patterns over the year.

Discovering and Presenting Insights:

  1. Data Collection and Organization: Gathered sales data, including monthly sales, country-wise performance, product categories, and profitability metrics, and organized it for analysis.
  2. Data Visualization: Used Power BI to create a dashboard with visual elements such as bar charts, waterfall charts, and scatter plots to represent sales performance and profitability.
  3. Trend Analysis: Conducted analysis to identify trends and patterns in sales performance over time.
  4. Interactive Features: Implemented interactive features allowing users to filter data by year, country, and product category, enhancing the ability to explore and understand performance metrics.

This project provides valuable insights to understand yearwise sales performance, identify top-performing countries and product categories, and support strategic business decisions through a user-friendly and interactive Power BI dashboard.

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