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Amazon Sales Dashboard

Amazon Sales Dashboard

About this project

Amazon Sales Dashboard Project

Goal: The goal of this project was to develop a Power BI dashboard to analyze sales performance on Amazon. The focus was on understanding product sales, returns, customer reviews, and geographic performance to support effective e-commerce strategies.


  1. Sales Performance: Monitored overall sales and units sold to identify trends and high-performing products.
  2. Product Analysis: Evaluated individual product performance, including units sold, returns, and customer reviews.
  3. Geographic Insights: Assessed sales by city and state to identify high-demand regions.
  4. Category Performance: Analyzed sales across different product categories to determine popular categories.
  5. Time-Based Trends: Conducted month-over-month sales analysis to track performance over time.

Discovering and Presenting Insights:

  • Data Collection and Organization: Gathered sales data, including product details, geographic information, and customer feedback, and organized it for analysis.
  • Data Visualization: Used Power BI to create a dashboard with visual elements such as bar charts, line graphs, and detailed tables.
  • Trend Analysis: Conducted analysis to identify sales trends and patterns across different products and regions.
  • Interactive Features: Implemented interactive features allowing users to filter data by date, product, and location, enhancing the ability to explore and understand sales trends.

This project provides Amazon with valuable insights to optimize product listings, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve overall sales performance through a user-friendly and interactive Power BI dashboard.

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