Credit Card Financial Dashboard

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Credit Card Financial Dashboard

Credit Card Financial Dashboard

About this project

Credit Card Financial Dashboard Project

Goal: The goal of this project was to develop a comprehensive Power BI dashboard to analyze credit card financial data. The focus was on understanding revenue, transactions, interest, customer demographics, and spending behavior to support effective financial strategies.


  1. Revenue and Transactions: Monitored total revenue, interest earned, transaction amounts, and counts to understand financial performance.
  2. Customer Demographics: Analyzed revenue by age group, gender, job, salary group, and education level to identify key customer segments.
  3. Spending Behavior: Evaluated spending patterns by expenditure type and transaction methods (swipe, online, chip) to understand customer preferences.
  4. Geographical Insights: Assessed revenue distribution across top states to pinpoint high-performing regions.
  5. Card Category Performance: Analyzed revenue, interest, and annual fees by card category (Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to understand product performance.

Discovering and Presenting Insights:

  • Data Collection and Organization: Gathered credit card data, including revenue, transactions, customer demographics, and card categories, and organized it for analysis.
  • Data Visualization: Used Power BI to create a dashboard with visual elements such as bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, and tables.
  • Trend Analysis: Conducted quarterly and monthly trend analysis to track changes in financial performance and customer behavior.
  • Demographic Breakdown: Visualized revenue and transaction data by customer demographics to provide insights into key customer segments.
  • Interactive Features: Implemented interactive features allowing users to filter data by quarter, customer demographics, and card categories, enhancing the ability to explore and understand financial trends.

This project provides valuable insights to optimize credit card strategies, enhance customer targeting, and improve overall financial performance through a user-friendly and interactive Power BI dashboard.

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