Global Electronic Retailer Challenge

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Global Electronic Retailer Challenge

About this project

Global Electronics Retailer


Global Electronic retailer which runs a worldwide company to sell different electronics products for its customer. Retailer timeseries data for Global Electronic were provided including details on the customer and location, product, sales, store, and delivery. The main goal of this project is to create an interactive dashboard using PowerBI for managers to track the overall performance of the company.


The main objective is to create an exploratory dashboard that helps them:

  • Sales and Revenue analysis.
  • Customer behaviour analysis
  • Analyse Product performance and Product Categories
  • Diagnose store and delivery performance of the company

Principle insights

1. Sales analysis

  • Total Sales by Date: The line chart displayed the total amount of revenue over time, allowing for trend analysis. Drill down analysis showed that April revenue in every year was the lowest and the revenue was significantly down after the year 2020.
  • Revenue by product: The bar chart showed which products and which countries were generating the most revenue. The item computer is the highest revenue-generating product followed by home applications, camera, etc.
  • Revenue by Currency: Identify the top currency by sales volume. The USD was at the top.Also the column charts showed that the USA is the top earning country.
  • Revenue vs. Order Comparison: Line and clustered column charts describe the generation of revenue as comparable with the total orders.

2. Demographics

  • Customer Distribution by Gender: Visualised the gender distribution of customers.
  • Customer distribution by state, country, city, zip code: Tree map showed total geographically located. The drill-down options allowed us to dive deeper to understand the total number of customers upto zip code.
  • Top Customer: The data in the table and card displayed the top customer according to revenue. In addition, this table provides the data of the customer related to the product and applicable countries as well.

3. Product performance

  • Product profit share: The pareto chart showed that computer was the highest revenue-generating product with a 11.28 million sales, which holds 35% share of all product.
  • Product Brand vs. Product colour: the Chord diagram provides a detailed scenario of the share of brand with the colour. For example, the contoso brand sold 52389 no of black product which was highest, and among colours black products were sold mostly. From this diagram we can conclude that black, white, and silver products were popular. And from a brand point of view, Contoso was the most popular.
  • Profit Margin: The scatter plot showed the cost vs. price relationship, showing a higher margin product category. The point far from the coordinates indicates the highest profit margin. There was a linear relationship between the cost of the product and the price.

  1. Store Performance
  • Store Sales Comparison: The bar chart compares sales across different stores, especially the top 50 stores were listed to see the top performing store.
  • Store size vs. sales: the scatter plot analysed to determine if store size (square metres) has any correlation with sales performance. It has been observed that the store size was linearly related to the sales of the store.
  • Store open-date analysis: The line chart analysed whether the age of the store has any impact on sales and found that the store aged between 10 and 15 years usually sold more items than the older or newer store.

5. Exchange Rate Impact

  • Exchange Rate Trends: Display the trends of different currency exchange rates over time.

6. Delivery Performance

  • Order delivery times: Matrix data showed the product delivery performance based on a standard 5 day delivery times. The chart includes continents, countries, cities to analyse the performance of delivery.

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