Cholera Insights: The 1853 Stockholm Story

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Cholera Insights: The 1853 Stockholm Story

About this project

Analyzing the 19th-Century Cholera Outbreak in Stockholm: Insights and Strategies for Prevention

In the mid-19th century, Stockholm experienced a devastating cholera outbreak. This analysis dives into detailed church records to understand the impact of the epidemic on the city's population, focusing on mortality rates, affected demographics, and strategies for future prevention.

The Dataset

Date of death``Name``Profession``Sex``Age``Assembly``Archive Ref``Page``0``1853-08-24``Lars Ersson Lindström``Carpenter``MAN``50``Catherine``FI:11``424``1``1853-08-23``Adolf Krook``Former Pharmacist``MAN``52``Catherine``FI:11``424``2``1853-08-24``J Florin``Young man``MAN``21``Catherine``FI:11``424``3``1853-08-27``John Weilback``Master shipbuilder``MAN``42``Catherine``FI:11``424``4``1853-08-26``Theodor Blomgren``Accountant``MAN``33``Catherine``FI:11``425``...``...``...``...``...``...``...``...``...``243``1853-11-06``Carl August``Son of shoemaker``MAN``1``Catherine``FI:11``451``244``1853-11-08``CH Gillberg``The master silk weaver``MAN``75``Catherine``FI:11``451``245``11/07/1853``Cajsa Wickbom``widow of customs officer``Woman``58``Catherine``FI:11``452``246``1853-11-21``Ulrika Sofia``Daughter of a working man``Woman``3``Catherine``FI:11``453``247``11/12/1853``Carolina Carlsson b. Rangberg``widow of master baker``Woman``54``Catherine``FI:11``453

248 rows × 8 columns

The dataset used for this analysis is derived from hand-written church records, which were meticulously maintained in Stockholm during the 19th century. The church was responsible for all population registration until around 1870, allowing us to gather detailed information about deaths during the cholera outbreak. The dataset includes the following columns:

  • Date of death: The recorded date when the individual passed away.
  • Name: The name of the deceased.
  • Profession: The occupation or societal role of the deceased.
  • Sex: The gender of the deceased.
  • Age: The age of the deceased at the time of death.
  • Assembly: The parish or assembly to which the deceased belonged.
  • Archive Ref: The reference number in the church archive.
  • Page: The page number in the church records where the entry can be found.

Key Findings

Total Deaths

total_deaths = Cholera.shape[0]


The dataset reveals that 248 individuals succumbed to cholera during this outbreak.

Professions Prone to Cholera Death

profession_distribution = Cholera['Profession'].value_counts()

Mamsell                  10
Boy child                 9
?                         7
Baby girl                 7
Worker                    7
Chamber sink              1
Lieutenant's wife         1
Tractor                   1
Torparenka                1
widow of master baker     1
Name: count, Length: 151, dtype: int64

Certain professions seemed more susceptible to cholera:

  • Mamsell: 10 deaths
  • Boy child: 9 deaths

Gender Distribution

Woman    130
MAN      118
Name: count, dtype: int64

Cholera affected both genders, with a slightly higher number of women than men:

  • Women: 130 deaths
  • Men: 118 deaths

Monthly Death Rate

Cholera['Date of death'] = pd.to_datetime(Cholera['Date of death'], errors='coerce')

Cholera['Month'] = Cholera['Date of death'].dt.month

month_distribution = Cholera['Month'].value_counts().sort_index()


8.0      12
9.0     161
10.0     26
11.0      6
Name: count, dtype: int64

The month of September saw the highest number of deaths, indicating a peak in the outbreak during this time.

Age Group Most Affected

age_bins = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

age_labels = ['0-10', '11-20', '21-30', '31-40', '41-50', '51-60', '61-70', '71-80', '81-90', '91-100']

Cholera['Age Group'] = pd.cut(Cholera['Age'], bins=age_bins, labels=age_labels, right=False)

age_group_distribution = Cholera['Age Group'].value_counts().sort_index()


Age Group
0-10      53
11-20     12
21-30     26
31-40     54
41-50     41
51-60     32
61-70     17
71-80      9
81-90      4
91-100     0
Name: count, dtype: int64

The age group 31-40 had the highest number of deaths, suggesting that adults in their prime were significantly affected.

Strategies to Eliminate Cholera

Based on the analysis, several strategies can be proposed to prevent future cholera outbreaks:

  1. Sanitation & Clean Water: Improving access to clean water and sanitation facilities is crucial. Contaminated water sources are a primary transmission route for cholera.
  2. Health Education: Conducting public health education campaigns to promote hygiene practices can significantly reduce the spread of cholera. People need to understand the importance of handwashing, safe food practices, and the dangers of contaminated water.
  3. Vaccination Programs: Implementing vaccination programs, especially in high-risk areas, can provide immunity and help control outbreaks.
  4. Early Detection & Rapid Response: Enhancing surveillance systems for early detection and rapid response can help contain outbreaks before they spread widely. This includes training healthcare workers to recognize symptoms and report cases promptly.
  5. Healthcare Infrastructure: Strengthening healthcare facilities and ensuring they are well-equipped to handle cholera cases can reduce mortality rates. Training healthcare personnel to manage and treat cholera effectively is also essential.
  6. Targeted Interventions: Focusing interventions on high-risk groups based on demographic analysis can ensure that resources are used efficiently. For example, providing extra support to the most affected age groups or professions.
  7. Environmental Management: Managing environmental factors such as waste disposal, water quality, and sanitation can reduce the risk of cholera transmission.
  8. Community Engagement: Involving communities in prevention and control efforts ensures sustainability and effectiveness. Community members can play a vital role in spreading awareness and maintaining hygiene standards.

The cholera outbreak in 19th-century Stockholm highlights the importance of a multifaceted approach to disease prevention. By improving sanitation, educating the public, and enhancing healthcare infrastructure, we can mitigate the risk of future outbreaks. Implementing these strategies requires coordinated efforts from governments, healthcare providers, and communities.

Addressing the root causes of cholera and empowering individuals with knowledge and resources are key steps toward a healthier, cholera-free future.

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