Maven Toys Insight: Navigating Sales Trends in Mexican Toy Store

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Maven Toys Insight: Navigating Sales Trends in Mexican Toy Store

Maven Toys dashboard demo

About this project

Project Description: Analysing Sales Trends for Strategic Growth at Maven Toys

Goals: The primary goal of this project was to analyse transactional data from Maven Toys, spanning from January 2022 to September 2023, to uncover critical sales trends and performance metrics. By doing so, the aim was to create an interactive dashboard that the leadership team could use to monitor these trends and make informed strategic decisions.

Business Needs: Maven Toys, a retail chain with multiple locations across Mexico, needed a user-friendly tool to track sales performance, identify high-performing products and locations, and understand seasonal fluctuations in demand. The leadership required an easily accessible platform to visualize and interpret this data for better operational and strategic planning.


  1. Data Collection & Cleaning:

    • Gathered transactional records, product details, and store location information from the company's database.
    • Performed a quality analysis of the data to ensure accuracy and consistency, and correcting data types where necessary.
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

    • Used statistical analysis to highlight key metrics such as total revenue, and orders by product category and store location.
  3. Dashboard Development:

    • Designed and built an interactive dashboard using Power BI.
    • Included visualisations such as KPI cards, bar charts, line graphs to represent sales trends over time, top-ordered products.
    • Implemented filters and drill-down capabilities to allow the leadership team to explore the data at different granularity levels.

Meaningful Insights:

  • Revenue Trends: Revealed significant drop in Revenue in the month of August both in 2022 and 2023.
  • Top Ordered products by category: Identified most ordered toys, allowing for targeted inventory stocking and promotional focus.
  • Airport location had decrease in value in Revenue, Profit and Orders in September 2023 versus August 2023 whilst the other 3 locations had increases in those specific indicators.
  • Downtown location has more art and crafts product category ordered whilst the other locations have toys product category as the top most ordered product category.

By transforming raw data into a valuable decision-making tool, this project enabled Maven Toys' leadership to make data-driven decisions, ultimately driving the company towards improved performance and strategic growth.

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