Tools used in this project
Nestle Product Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Nestlé is the largest food company in the world, marketing over 8,500 brands and 30,000 products. It operates nearly 500 factories across 5 continents and employs over 200,000 employees worldwide. As the World Food Company, Nestlé provides the best food for any time of day and at any time of your life. Nestlé R&D Australia plays an important role in developing products for Nestlé Nutrition, focusing on creating products with micronutrient fortification to address deficiencies.

The company wants to expand its business by adding new product lines. However, the Head of Growth and Strategy suggested that it was important to know the performance of the current products. I was employed as a Data Analyst in the Growth and Strategy Department of Nestle and asked to develop a product comparison dashboard to help the company decide on its expansion plans

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