Power BI Dashboard

About this project

CAMS Real Estate is a renowned real estate company with a sprawling portfolio that spans residential, commercial, and land sales across multiple locations. One issue the organization grapples with is sharing and collaborating on a project as professionals and stakeholders. I leverage my expertise in Power BI Service to create a platform that ensures secure and seamless resource sharing to facilitate collaboration and openness on projects with the organization amongst concerned stakeholders (CEO, Technical experts). I used row-level security measures to ensure data security and confidentiality.

Project Overview

The "CAMS Real Estate Quarterly Performance Report" provides a comprehensive analysis of the real estate market performance over the quarter. This Power BI report leverages interactive visualizations to display key metrics such as the number of transactions, total sales, average sales price, and sales by property type and state. It includes detailed insights into agent performance, monthly sales trends, and key influencers impacting sales.


  1. Sales Agent Performance:
  • Robert Davis topped the chart with $284M in total sales and 509 transactions, indicating his strong influence across all property types.
  • Linda Davis and James Williams also showed notable performance, with sales of $237M and $217M, respectively.
  1. Sales Location Analysis:
  • Texas (TX) recorded the highest total revenue at $1.7bn, followed closely by California (CA) with $1.6bn. These states also had the highest number of transactions, with TX leading at 3.1K and CA at 2.9K.
  • New York (NY) and Illinois (IL) also contributed significantly, with revenues of $0.7bn each.
  1. Monthly Sales Analysis:
  • The highest sales were recorded in January, with $474M, while February saw the lowest sales at $422M. This suggests a seasonal trend affecting sales performance.
  • AZ and PA were identified as regions contributing to the lower revenue in February, with sales figures of $417M and $459.9M, respectively.
  1. Property Type Performance:
  • Land sales accounted for the largest share at 35.48%, followed by Residential and Commercial properties, each contributing around 32%.
  • The analysis indicates a balanced sales distribution across different property types, with each segment contributing significantly to the overall performance.


  1. Enhance Marketing Efforts:
  • Increase targeted marketing campaigns in states like Texas and California to capitalize on their high performance.
  • Develop seasonal marketing strategies to boost sales during low-performing months like February.
  1. Focus on Underperforming Regions:
  • Conduct market research to understand the low sales performance in regions like Arizona and Pennsylvania. Implement strategic initiatives to address the factors impacting these areas.
  • Explore opportunities to improve market penetration in states with lower transaction volumes, such as Pennsylvania and Arizona.
  1. Agent Training and Support:
  • Provide additional training and support to agents to replicate the success of top performers like Robert Davis and Linda Davis.
  • Implement incentive programs to motivate agents and boost overall sales performance.
  1. Optimize Property Portfolio:
  • Consider diversifying the property portfolio to include more high-demand property types based on the sales trends observed.
  • Focus on increasing the inventory of land properties, given their significant contribution to total sales.

KPI Analysis

  1. Number of Transactions:
  • A total of 10K transactions were recorded, indicating strong market activity.
  • Monthly transaction trends show fluctuations, with peaks in January and consistent performance throughout the year.
  1. Total Sales:
  • Total sales amounted to $6bn, showcasing the market's revenue-generating capability.
  • The average sales price was $552K, with the maximum sale price reaching $1M.
  1. Sales by Property Type:
  • Land properties led the sales with a 35.48% share, followed by Residential and Commercial properties.
  • This distribution highlights the balanced demand across different property types.
  1. Agent Performance:
  • Top agents like Robert Davis and Linda Davis contributed significantly to the overall sales, indicating the importance of high-performing agents in driving revenue.

Trend Analysis

  1. Seasonal Trends:
  • Sales trends indicate seasonal variations, with January showing the highest sales and February the lowest. This pattern suggests a need for targeted interventions during slower months.
  1. Regional Trends:
  • Texas and California emerged as the top-performing states in terms of revenue and transaction volume. These regions are crucial for strategic focus and resource allocation.
  1. Property Type Trends:
  • Land properties consistently performed well, making up the largest share of total sales. This trend underscores the importance of land properties in the real estate market.

By leveraging these insights, recommendations, and analyses, stakeholders can make data-driven decisions to enhance sales performance, optimize marketing strategies, and achieve better business outcomes in the real estate market.

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