Tools used in this project
Hospital Management Report

Power BI

About this project

Project Overview

The "Hospital Transaction Report" provides an in-depth analysis of a hospital's financial and operational performance. The report leverages Power BI to deliver interactive dashboards displaying key metrics such as total revenue, expenses, profit margin, number of doctors, and number of patients. The visualisations offer insights into revenue by category, speciality, procedure, and doctor and patient demographics.


  1. Financial Performance:

    • Total Revenue: $130K

    • Total Expenses: $90K

    • Total Profit: $39.87K

    • Profit Margin: 30.7%

  2. Operational Metrics:

    • Number of Doctors: 39

    • Number of Patients: 86

    • Dermatology is the leading speciality in revenue, generating $68K.

  3. Revenue Trends:

    • Revenue peaked at $22K in Q1 2022 and experienced a significant drop to $5K in Q3 2023.

    Categories such as Orthopedics and Pediatrics are top contributors, with revenue of $22K and $21K, respectively.

  4. Procedure Analysis:

    • Knee Replacement generated the highest revenue at $22,020, followed by Pediatric Vaccination at $20,600.

    • Procedures such as Appendectomy and Cataract Surgery also contributed significantly to the total revenue.


  1. Enhance High Revenue Specialties:

    • Focus on expanding Dermatology and Orthopedics services, as these specialties generate the highest revenue.

    • Invest in marketing and operational improvements to attract more patients to these specialties.

  2. Address Revenue Fluctuations:

    • Investigate the causes of revenue drops, particularly the significant decrease observed in Q3 2023.

    • Implement strategies to stabilize revenue throughout the year, such as offering seasonal promotions or new service packages.

  3. Optimize Procedure Efficiency:

    • Improve the efficiency and cost management of high-revenue procedures like Knee Replacement and Pediatric Vaccination to maximize profit margins.

    • Review and streamline the processes for procedures with lower profit margins to enhance profitability.

  4. Increase Patient Engagement:

    • Develop programs to increase patient visits and engagement, especially in lower-performing quarters.

    • Utilize patient feedback to improve services and address any areas of dissatisfaction.

KPI Analysis

  1. Total Revenue:

    • The hospital generated total revenue of $130K, with notable contributions from Dermatology, Orthopedics, and Ophthalmology specialties.
  2. Total Expenses:

    • Total expenses amounted to $90K, indicating effective cost management and highlighting areas where further cost savings could be achieved.
  3. Profit Margin:

    • The profit margin is 30.7%, which is healthy but can be improved through cost reduction and revenue enhancement strategies.
  4. Number of Transactions:

    • There were 111 transactions, indicating a steady flow of procedures and patient engagements.

    • Distributing transactions across different procedures and specialties provides insight into patient preferences and service demand.

Trend Analysis

  1. Revenue Trends by Quarter:

    • Revenue trends show significant fluctuations, with peaks in Q1 2022 and declines in Q3 2023. This suggests seasonal or operational factors impacting revenue generation.
  2. Revenue by Category:

    • Orthopedics and Pediatrics are leading revenue categories, while Dermatology and General Medicine show lower revenue figures. This indicates potential areas for growth and improvement.
  3. Top Doctors and Patients by Revenue:

    • Ava Adams leads in revenue generation among doctors with $25K, while Harper Y. is the top patient contributor with $12K.

    • These insights can help in recognizing high-performing doctors and loyal patients, facilitating targeted engagement strategies.


The "Hospital Transaction Report" provides valuable insights into the hospital's financial and operational performance. By focusing on high-revenue specialties, addressing revenue fluctuations, optimizing procedure efficiency, and increasing patient engagement, the hospital can enhance its overall performance and achieve better financial outcomes. The detailed analysis of KPIs and trends supports data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.

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