Analysing Customer Churn: Insights from California Telco Network's Data

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Analysing Customer Churn: Insights from California Telco Network's Data

About this project


The California Telco Network is a major telecommunications provider that aims to deliver exceptional service and satisfy its customers. However, the company faces a significant challenge in the form of customer churn, which occurs when subscribers discontinue their service. This is a crucial issue as it can directly impact the company's revenue and growth strategies.

The primary objective of this report is to explore the reasons and patterns behind customer churn at the California Telco Network. By utilizing data analysis and visualization tools, the report seeks to uncover the underlying causes of customer departures and generate insights that could guide the development of effective customer retention tactics.

The report will examine data across various facets, such as demographic trends, service usage, and consumer feedback, to identify the specific factors contributing to customer churn. Through a meticulous evaluation of churn statistics, customer behavior patterns, and service adoption rates, the analysis aims to equip the California Telco Network with practical knowledge.

The findings from this report are intended to assist the company in mitigating its current churn rates and creating targeted customer engagement and loyalty programs. These initiatives are expected to proactively address customer needs and diminish the likelihood of future churn, ultimately enhancing the long-term business sustainability of the California Telco Network in the competitive telecommunication landscape.

It is important to note that the California Telco Network and the associated analysis presented in this report are entirely fictional and created solely for the purpose of this exercise.

Total Customer Overview:

  • Total Customers: The stage is set with a diverse cast of 7,043 unique customers, each with a story tied to our network.
  • Total Revenue: A substantial $21.37 million dollars fuel the company's narrative, a testament to the network's expansive reach.

Churned Customers Analysis:

  • Number of Churned Customers: A poignant subplot where 1,869 characters exit stage left, accounting for a significant churn rate of 26.54%.

Churn Rate Calculation: Churn % = (Churned Customers / Total Customers) * 100 Churn % = (1869 / 7043) * 100 = 26.54%


Age-Related Trends:

  • The 70+ demographic, with its higher churn rate of 41.65%, seems like a minor character in terms of revenue impact.
  • undefined
  • The core actors, aged 30-65, depict a different scene. Despite a lower churn rate of 24.10%, they contribute to a heavier 9.4% revenue downturn—signaling a need for a customer retention strategy recalibration.
  • undefined

The Fickle Freebirds

Our story begins with the month-to-month customers, the playful rogues who keep their options open, always on the lookout for the next shiny deal. Their loyalty is a fickle jester, easily swayed by a tempting offer from the competition.

The Customer Service Showdown

But wait! There's a plot twist! It seems the villain in our churn drama isn't some rival company, but our very own support team. Their attitude towards customers is driving some away, and we need to step in and rewrite this chapter with a focus on friendly and helpful service.

The Myth of Unlimited Data

We thought the "Unlimited Data Plan" would be a hero in our story, but it turns out things aren't so clear-cut. Over 80% of these customers aren't even using all the data they're paying for! This creates a feeling of discontent, a simmering pot ready to boil over into churn. We need to re-evaluate this plan and ensure it truly meets customer needs.


Churn by City:

  • San Diego: While the percentage (64.91%) reads like a cliffhanger, the true impact is but a drop in the ocean of our customer base.

Narrative Findings:


While every figure in the data speaks volumes, the true story is often hidden behind the curtain of raw numbers. San Diego's dramatic churn rate of 64.91% is a red herring, a number that, when peeled back layer by layer, represents a smaller subset of the overall customer populace. This nuance is the linchpin in our plot, guiding us to a strategic vantage point. Data can be deceiving.

Happy Endings: How to Win Back Customers

Rewriting the Ending

Now that we understand the characters and plot twists in our churn drama, it's time to rewrite the ending! Here's how we can turn these challenges into opportunities to win back customers:

Customer Service Superheroes: Let's transform our support team into customer service superheroes! We'll train them to be empathetic and empowered, equipped with strategies to keep customers happy and prevent churn related to support issues.

Tailored Tales for Every Age: The 30-65 age group deserves special attention. We'll create unique engagement plans that cater to their specific needs, ensuring their satisfaction and minimizing revenue loss from churn.

Contract Capers: A New Chapter: Month-to-month contracts need a refresh. By offering enticing incentives for longer commitments, we can reduce churn associated with these flexible plans and build lasting relationships with customers.

Unlimited, Redefined: The "Unlimited Data Plan" needs a makeover. Let's create value-based plans that perfectly match customer usage. This will prevent churn caused by customers paying for data they don't need and ensure everyone gets the plan that's right for them.

San Diego: A Local Hero's Journey: San Diego's high churn rate demands a localized strategy. We'll delve deeper to understand the specific reasons behind churn in this area and develop solutions that address those unique challenges.


As we lower the curtains on this report, we see not the end but the beginning of a new chapter in customer engagement and retention. The data has spoken, and it beckons for action that resonates with the hearts of our customer base. May the insights from this tale guide California Telco Network to a future where churn is but a whisper in the annals of its history.

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Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Maris Chukwuma
Maris Chukwuma
5 months ago
Well done Abena, this is a very detailed analysis.
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