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About this project

Steps Performed :-

  1. First step is to clean all the dataset.

  2. Then analyze & found meaningful insights from the given dataset & make the dashboard by using Tableau.

Output :-

  1. Cost of coffee equipment in 5 years is more than $1000 its approx. 22.19% & $100 - $300 is approximate 21.29%

  2. Persons feels that the spent on coffee equipment is worth.

  3. Approx. 25.07% persons feels that they can spent $8 - $10 on a cup of coffee.

  4. Approx. 31.04% person spent $6 - $8 on a cup of coffee.

  5. Approx. 36.83% person spent $20 - $40 on a cup of coffee per month.

  6. Persons feels that is it worth to buy coffee at café.

  7. Approx. 45.18% of participants primarily work from home.

  8. Fruity coffee is first choice of persons followed by chocolatey coffee & Full Bodied coffee.

  9. Approx. 51.16% of participants are Bachelors Degree holder & 21.47% are Masters.

  10. Approx. 97.15% of participants like the taste of coffee.

  11. Only 5.74% of participants like to add taste enhancer in coffee.

  12. Most of the persons are aware about where the coffee is comes from.

  13. Coffee D is favorite coffee among all the persons, where 36.73% persons vote in favor of that followed by Coffee A vote 21.7% , Coffee C vote 20.55% & Coffee B vote 20.77%

  14. Coffee A acidity taste rating is 4, bitterness taste rating is 2, personal preference taste rating is 4.

  15. Coffee B acidity taste rating is 2, bitterness taste rating is 3, personal preference taste rating is 3.

  16. Coffee C acidity taste rating is 2, bitterness taste rating is 3, personal preference taste rating is 3.

  17. Coffee D acidity taste rating is 4, bitterness taste rating is 2, personal preference taste rating is 5.

  18. 79.2% participants are Employed Full Time, rest other are Employed part time (5.88%), Homemaker (2.28%), Retired (2.49%), Student (6.46%) & unemployed (3.69%).

  19. 41.9% participants drinks 2 cup of coffee per day followed by 33.13% drinks 1 cup of coffee per day.

  20. 71.64% participants are male, 24.21% participants are female.

  21. 76.83% participants Ethnicity is White/Caucasian.

  22. 91.41% participants like full caffeine coffee out of which 67.17% are male & 20.63% are female.

  23. 45.97% participants like full Somewhat strong out of which 34.45% are male & 9.47% are female.

  24. 49.51% who drink coffee belongs to 25 - 34 years of age group, where 32.01% are male & 10.45% are female.

  25. 74.87% have no children, 9.1% have 1 child, 11.80% have 2 child, 2.7% have 3 child & 1.53% have more than 3 child.

  26. Persons given own coffee rating as 7.A22

  27. 53.75% belongs to Democrat Party.

  28. Pour-over is favorite drink among people followed by Latte.

  29. Whole Milk Dairy is most preferred among people, like percentage is 31.79%.

  30. 40.7% people prefer to drink coffee at home, out of which 29.46% are Male & 9.54% are Female.

  31. 6.452% people purchase coffee from Cometeer, Gas Station, Online, Online Ordering, Roasting Friend.


  1. Persons feels that the spent on coffee equipment is worth but the margin is too large as 22.19% spent $1000 & 21.29% spent $100 - $300, so its better if we maintain it to $100 - $300.

  2. 31.04% person spent $6 -$8 on a cup of coffee & approx 25.07% feels that they can spent $8 - $10 but its better if focus more on $6 - $8 coffee range to attract more people.

  3. 40.7% people drink coffee at home as 45.18% primarily work from home, so there is more scope of packed coffee products.

  4. Persons feels that Fruity type coffee is there first choice followed by chocolatey coffee & full bodied coffee so need to focus on fruity & chocolatey coffee.

  5. Its not a good choice to add taste enhancer in coffee as only 5.74% of participants want to add taste enhancer, or we can improve or try some other taste enhancer to improve its demand.

  6. Coffee D is Favorite among all the coffee, so we need to focus more on that.

  7. Pour-over coffee is favorite drink among people followed by Latte coffee.

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