The Great American Coffee Test

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The Great American Coffee Test

The Great American Coffee Test

About this project

From the given data the objects are completed and the insights are below :

Target Audience :

Age groups between 25 - 34 and 35 - 44 constitute about 50% and 23% shares respectively. This groups dominates the market with a share of 73%. In addition they consume 1-2 cups of coffee per day on average. Among those age group full time Employed customers dominates & most of their education qualification as bachelor's. In Gender wise analysis male dominates with a share of 58%. Males who are in age group between mid 20s to mid 30s, Employed is our target customers.

Product to offer :

People like Coffee A & D is based on combinations of medium to high acidity & low bitterness. Coffee D is the winner but both coffee A & coffee D are best products. Most customers prefer roast level to be light roast and comes next the medium. They also like some what strong coffee with full caffeine. They like fruity to chocolatey kind of coffee. Add-ons choices are very important to attract more and more customers.

Ideal Pricing :

Around 58% of coffee consumer feel that they are satisfied with the money they are spending at cafe. Out of those 58% consumer more than 51% are spending in the range between 7$ - 20$. If the consumer is feeling that the coffee is value for money they are even willing to pay more. The data shows that around 47% out of 58% are willing to pay more in range between 7$ - 20$. From the above insights the ideal pricing for products would be in range between 8$-14$.

Discussion and feedback(10 comments)
Subhash Sparrow
Subhash Sparrow
4 months ago
Nice dashboard, Good job.

kalpana m
kalpana m
4 months ago
Good job !

21-04-23 Gowtham P
21-04-23 Gowtham P
4 months ago
Like your design & attractive concept

Abu Sidthik
Abu Sidthik
4 months ago
Gonna wonderful dashboard !! great work.

vasunthara R
4 months ago
It was nice looking theme. !!!

Nandhini V
Nandhini V
4 months ago
Great work keep rocking.

__ Nithiy__
__ Nithiy__
4 months ago
Very nice

nithiy selvan
nithiy selvan
4 months ago
Tool tip ideas are nice...
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