Health & Substance Abuse Report Analysis

Tools used in this project
Health & Substance Abuse Report Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

The Brief

“Health – Substance Abuse Data Analysis”

About the dataset

One Excel Workbook – Substance Abuse PBI file – Data model provided.

Data Dictionary included in the Excel Workbook

Brief in PDF format

Report Developer Role:

It is your job as an analyst to prepare an analysis report about the Substance Abuse dataset. The following questions must be addressed in your report.

i) Compare different hospitalization programs. What conclusion(s) can you draw from it? ii) What are key drivers of different types of primary mental health diagnosis? iii) Demographic analysis about different types of primary mental health diagnosis? iv) What other analysis would you like to have? v) What other recommendations would you like to make?

Special Client Requirements:

i) Client believes that a 1 one page, maximum 2 pages will suffice for this report. ii) Client do not want an Intro Page but suggests instead vertical/horizontal navigation bars or pop-up menu. iii) Not scrollable or fancy shape reports, report must fit well within a page. Preferred size 16:9.

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