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Objective: You've been asked to share an explanatory report providing a data-driven strategy for opening their first coffee shop. The investors expressed interest in the following areas, but are open to any additional insights and recommendations you can provide:

  • Target audience: What type of customer should we target, and what are their preferences?
  • Product offering: What types of coffee beans and drinks should we offer?
  • Pricing strategy: How can we align prices with customer value perception.

Data: This data comes from the James Hoffmann YouTube channel where he did a taste test experiment in which participants were shipped 4 different coffees (in the form of frozen coffee extracts), asked to rate the coffees, and answer a few more questions. There were 4,000+ participants from all over the US.

Data Cleaning: After reviewing the questions and responses, I decided to retain certain information, particularly the coffee ratings. Additionally, many questions had responses represented by true or false, which I standardized to 0 for false and 1 for true. I also removed some unnecessary columns.

Subsequently, I unpivoted the data to condense the number of columns and increase the number of rows, where one column represents the survey question, and another column represents the response.

To organize the data systematically, I merged two tables: the survey table and the data dictionary containing the question column. This allowed us to associate each survey response with its corresponding survey section and question number, facilitating a more disciplined arrangement of the data.

Approach: In this Great American Coffee Taste Test, my primary goals was to construct one-page summary that serves as a visual narrative, capturing all Key Metrics overarching responses in Great American Coffee Taste Test. I aimed to spotlight key areas deserving of attention and further analysis.

Let's explore how the project is structured, its building blocks, and the methodology behind this project.

First and foremost, what is this coffee types in this dataset.

Coffee A - Light roasted coffee. It was from Kenya.

Coffee B - Medium roasted coffee. It was a blend.

Coffee C - Dark roasted coffee. It was blend.

Coffee D - Single Estate coffee. Strongly fermented coffee. Unusual variety from Columbia

☕Which was the most popular coffee between A, B, C?

undefinedThis part features a Column chart visual illustrating the popular coffee between A, B and C. Popular coffee is coffee A which was the light roasted coffee grouping under roast level performance. It had 44.59% of vote share. But coffee C and coffee B each had 28.05%, 27.36%. Therefore, really very close between those. It's a quite an even distribution performance.

☕Which was the most popular coffee between A and D?

undefinedSo, the popular coffee between A and D is Coffee D. Which was Single Estate coffee and strongly fermented coffee grouping under natural vs washed. Coffee D had 53.58% vote share and Coffee A had 46.52% vote share. So, there is no big sort of difference between these two coffees.

Which was the most popular coffee between A, B, C and D?

undefinedBut, when we ask which was their favourite between all of them, coffee D won out pretty substantially. It got 34.27% of vote share and interestingly again coffee A, B and C received near identical number of votes for them. Each getting 20.24%, 19.37% and 19.40% of vote share. Because coffee D was very unusual coffee and very fermented coffee that was very popular.

Now, Let's talk about gender split.

undefined71.64% respondents are Male, 24.21% respondents are Female, 2.92% respondents are non-binary and 1% are declined to answer.

Now, Let's talk about Age split.

undefined49.51% respondents are 25-34 age group , 23.93% respondents are 35-44 age group, 11.49% respondents are 18-24 age group, 7.53% respondents are 45-54 age group, and 4.66% respondents are 55-64 age group. But I would say that, over 75% respondents are between 25 and 44 year old.

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

undefinedThis part features a Column chart visual illustrating the how many cups of coffee drinks per day. There's a real peak at one to two cups of coffee a day. 2 times per day is most popular answer here. it had 42.11% vote share. Following this 1time per day had 32.34% vote share and 3times per day had 11.98% vote share.

☕How would you rate your own coffee expertise?

undefinedThe results are very interesting. Tere is a real peak at sort of 6 to 8. Coffee expertise 7 rating is most popular and it had 23.84% share , 6 rating had 21.64% vote share and 8 rating had 12.44% vote sharing.

☕How do you brew coffee at home?

undefinedThese results are quite interesting. Most popular answer was 32.10% of respondents are pour-over at home followed by 21.23% of people are making espresso at home, 10.28% of people are making French press at home a popular brewer and pretty even distribution of other things.

☕Where do you typically drink coffee?

undefinedWhile we were asked about where you drink coffee. The results are quite interesting. Here the popular answer was At Home had 52.44% of vote share followed by At the office , At a Cafe and lastly On the go.

Now, Let's talk about Average Coffee Rating by Level of Personal performance.

undefinedWhile we asked about rating of these four coffee types from 1 to 5. The results are pretty much interesting. Here the popular answer is Coffee D had average rating of 3.38 followed by Coffee D and Coffee C.

Now Let's talk about Coffee wise rating trend.

undefinedIf we come across coffee wise, Now Coffee A personal preference rating, most popular answer here is 4 rating had 32.65% vote share.

undefinedSo, Now let's talk about Coffee B personal preference rating, most popular answer here is 3 rating had 32.57% vote share.

undefinedNow let's talk about Coffee C personal preference rating, most popular answer here is 3 rating had 31.94% vote share.

undefinedLastly let's talk about Coffee D personal preference rating, most popular answer here is 5 rating had 30.26% vote share.

So here Coffee D was most popular.

☕Coffee Taste response by Gender

undefinedWhen you break down the coffee taste by gender response, it's quite interesting 72.53% of respondents are Male and 24.51% respondents are Female.

What is your favourite coffee drink?

undefinedWhen we ask about what is your favourite coffee drink results are more interesting. Famous answer here is Pourover had a 27.24% followed by Latte had 17.09% and Regular drip coffee had 11.11% vote share.

☕What is the most you've ever paid for a cup of coffee?

undefinedWhen we ask about what is the most you've ever paid for a cup of coffee. The most popular answer was here $6-$8 had 31.05% vote share followed by $8-$10 had 28.35% and $10-$15 had 17.47% vote share.

☕How strong do you like your coffee?

undefinedWhen we ask about how strong do you lie your coffee answer are very interesting. Here the most popular answer was Somewhat strong had 44.31% followed by Medium had 35.43% and very strong had 10.71% of vote share.

☕How much money do you typically spend on coffee in a month?

undefinedWhen we ask about how much money do you typically spend on coffee in a month, Here is the most popular answer was $20-$40 had 31.99% followed by $40-$60 had 25.98% and $60-$80 had 9.57% vote share.

☕What is the most you'd ever be willing to pay for a cup of coffee?

undefinedWhen we ask about what is the most you'd ever be willing to pay for a cup of coffee. Results are quite interesting. Most popular answer here is $8-$10 had 21.77% vote share followed by $10-$15 had 16.13% and $6-$8 had 15.86% of vote sharing.

💡Key Insights:

Now, based on above analysis will see the business requirements along with answers.

💡Target audience: What type of customer should we target, and what are their preferences?

Mainly we focus on age group 25-44 age group because 75% of audience in USA preferred to drink coffee than other age groups. Majorly male audience preferred to drink coffee than females. Their preference coffee drink is poureover followed by Latte and Regular drip coffee.

💡Product offering: What types of coffee beans and drinks should we offer?

As per analysis, we may focus on offering coffee D and coffee A had a vote share of 34.27% and 20.24% accordingly.

💡Pricing strategy: How can we align prices with customer value perception?

As per analysis of what is the most you've ever paid for a cup of coffee and what is the most you'd ever be willing to pay for a cup of coffee, we can align ideal price for cup of coffee is in between $8 to $10.

The Interactivity

To build the game and the dashboard, I used Power BI Native Visuals and App source visuals, Field Parameters, and (lots of!) Conditional Formatting. In the dashboard, the Matrix chart is only responding to the slicer. In the Matrix, the user can drill up and down between the "questions" and the "response categories".

Thaks🙏 a lot to Maven Analytics for supporting with these challenges to enhance our skills to next level.

Additional project images

Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Matt Bailey
Matt Bailey
about 2 months ago
Great project Suparna! Love the breakdown in the description about all the insights you can reveal. Excellent use of the available data in the set. Just some feedback, I'd love to see a more visual hierarchy developed on the first page. As a viewer, the biggest question would be "What coffee is the best?", if the answer is Coffee D, let's celebrate it and bring it to life to answer that question. The % %-based top-level states have the same visual importance and therefore require the viewer to read and digest each value to determine the answer. Let's bring that to life, or at the least add a section title so the user better understands those values. I'd also order the star ratings on page 3 in descending order so the most popular is on top. Highlight the winners, tell a story, and answer the most important questions first and obviously. Love what you're doing, nice work, and happy learning!

Suparna Babu Inturi
Suparna Babu Inturi
Project owner
about 2 months ago
Project owner
Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback/suggestions. I agree with you on the star rating which was in page 3 and also with best coffee among all coffees. Anyway, your feedback really helps me to overcome in upcoming challenges.
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