Tools used in this project
Supply Chain Analytics Dashboard

Tableau Dashboard

About this project

The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the AIDS Response Commodity Tracker focusing on the supply chain and cost analytics for shipments of medicines and tests for HIV/AIDS, specifically Antiretrovirals (ARVs). Here's a summary of the data presented:

  1. Global Shipment Trends and Costs:
    • Total Shipments: There have been 7,030 shipments.
    • Average Freight Cost: The average cost of shipping each consignment is $11.10K.
    • Commodities Shipped: A total of 189.27 million packs of commodities have been shipped.
    • Shipped Commodities Worth: The total value of the shipped commodities is $1,627.58M.
  2. Geospatial Distribution of Shipments:
    • The map visualizes the shipment quantities across different countries, with varying intensities indicating the quantity of shipments, with some countries in Africa showing the highest quantities.
  3. Time Series Analysis:
    • A graph shows the number of drugs and tests shipped over time from 2006 to 2015, with a steady increase in both categories.
    • There's also a heat map showing the shipment quantity by month, indicating seasonal trends or certain months with higher shipments.
  4. Country-Specific Data:
    • Detailed information on shipments by country, including Cameroon, Nigeria, and Rwanda among the top receivers.
    • Average freight costs per unit are provided, with some countries having significantly higher costs.
  5. Product Analysis and Pricing:
    • Average Pack Price: The average price per pack is $21.91.
    • Average Unit Price: The average price per unit is $0.61.
    • Units in a Pack: There are on average 78 units in a pack.
    • The data shows the top products by average quantity, with drugs such as Efavirenz/Lamivudine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Lamivudine/Nevarapine/Zidovudine among the most shipped.
  6. Product Breakdown:
    • The breakdown includes detailed information on the shipment quantity and price for specific drugs, such as Lamivudine/Nevarapine/Zidovudine and Efavirenz 600mg tablets.
    • It shows the trend over time for the volume of shipments for these products.

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