About the dataset: The dataset has various information regarding covid-19. Vaccinations, Doses, countries, and GDP. The data is incremental, meaning the new record is the sum of the current values added to the last day. The dataset was found here: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
After an exploratory analysis, I framed multiple points relevant to the landscape of Global Covid-19 Vaccination.
STEP 1 - Data Cleaning The dataset was incomplete with various null and black values. I corrected them while referring data-dictionary provided along the dataset.
STEP 2 - Adding DAX Measures in Power BI based on the questions framed above.
STEP3 - Creation of the Dashboard
STEP 4 - Explore data and find Insights.
I found that vaccinations are directly correlated to GDP. A richer country is more likely to have a population vaccinated than a poorer.