Brick by Brick: 50 Years of LEGO Evolution

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Brick by Brick:  50 Years of LEGO Evolution

About this project

Objective: This project delves into the world of LEGO, leveraging a comprehensive dataset spanning 5 decades to explore the evolution of LEGO sets. We aim to unveil hidden trends, patterns, and insights that illuminate the changing landscape of LEGO over time.

Data: Our foundation is a rich dataset encompassing details of LEGO sets released from 1970 to 2022. Each entry contains details like theme, piece count, recommended age, retail price, and even an image, offering extraordinary data to explore.


In this LEGO exploration project, my primary goal was to construct a one-page summary that serves as a visual narrative, capturing the overarching trends in LEGO set evolution. I aimed to spotlight key areas deserving of attention and further analysis.

Let's explore how the project is structured, its building blocks, and the methodology behind this project.

Section 1: Unveiling LEGO's Story: Themes, Events, and Transitions

The first section comprises various visuals, each revealing distinct insights and trends. When combined, these visuals form a compelling narrative of LEGO's evolution. Let's explore each one of them!

undefinedThis part features a line chart visual illustrating the various events that LEGO has experienced over the years, alongside the increasing popularity of LEGO sets as indicated by the upward trend in the number of released sets. This growth can be attributed to multiple factors, including the implementation of expansion and diversification strategies starting from 1998, as well as advancements in manufacturing technology from the early 2000s, which led to an increase in the number of released themes and sub-themes as demonstrated by the histogram that shows the distribution of the number of released themes and sub-themes over the years.

undefinedThis part delves into the age restrictions and recommendations associated with LEGO sets. Until 2009, nearly 98% of LEGO sets had no specified age limits. However, a noteworthy shift occurred in 2009 when LEGO began implementing age restrictions and recommendations for the sets they released.

Section 2: From Bricks to Bucks: Analyzing LEGO's Prices The second part dives into the evolution of LEGO prices across the decades. It dissects the factors influencing the price variation between different sets, meticulously searching for patterns that unlock the secrets behind these fluctuations.

undefinedThis bar chart illustrates the price discrepancies among various theme groups. Furthermore, our exploration extends beyond the mere presentation of these variations; we delve into the reasons behind specific theme groups exhibiting higher average retail prices than others. Typically, theme groups with higher prices often incorporate specialized and complex features, such as those found in the "Technical" and "Educational" groups. In contrast, less expensive themes are characterized by design simplicity, catering to a broader audience with fewer specialized features.

undefinedThis part shows the consistent upward trend of average LEGO prices across the years. This notable trend could be attributed to contributing factors. Firstly, the evolution of LEGO sets towards greater complexity and sophistication has been a significant influencer, reflecting the brand's commitment to innovation. Moreover, LEGO's strategic engagements in licensing agreements and partnerships with renowned franchises have added premium value to sets, contributing to the overall price escalation. Additionally, macroeconomic factors such as inflation and broader economic conditions have played a role in the continuous rise. Notably, the year 2003 marked a challenging period for LEGO, characterized by declining sales and a decrease in prices, underscoring the dynamic nature of the company's financial journey.

Last brick laid: Conclusion

In wrapping up our adventure through the world of LEGO, it's fascinating to see the story unfold across the decades. We've dissected themes, inspect pricing dynamics, and explored the age recommendations, piecing together a narrative that goes beyond just bricks and sets. The line charts were our guides, showing the steady climb in LEGO prices, a reflection of innovation, partnerships, and the ebb and flow of economic tides. Navigating through the twists, like the challenging period of 2003, we witnessed LEGO's ability to adapt and transform. It's not just about colorful plastic bricks; it's a journey of creativity, resilience, and a brand that's etched into the hearts of builders young and old. As we bring the curtain down, the tale of LEGO's evolution stands as a testament to the enduring magic that keeps us all building, brick by brick.

Tools Used : I used Python and Excel to explore the dataset and initial analysis, and Power BI for designing the report.

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Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Andie Nguyen
Andie Nguyen
7 months ago
Very good work Mohamed! You drew very rich insights out of the data. The dashboard is also very clean and well-structured!
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