Mexican Restaurants Ratings Report

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Mexican Restaurants Ratings Report

Mexican Restaurants Ratings Report

About this project

  1. For Top Restaurants; Tortas Locas Hipocampo had the highest Rating of 48 and was 65.52% higher than Restaurant La Chalita, which is at the top of the lowest Restaurants by a Rating of 29.

2. Tortas Locas Hipocampo accounted for 26.23% of Top 5 Restaurants by Rating.

****3. Across all 4 Age Bands, the number of consumers ranged from 1 to 125.

With the highest number of consumers coming from the young adults age band.

  1. Only one adolescent consumer of 18 years was found in this dataset.

  2. Singles had the highest Number of Consumers at 124, followed by Married at 10 and Undefined at 4.

6. Singles accounted for 89.86% of Number of Consumers.

  1. At 113, Students had the highest Number of Consumers and was 5,550.00% higher than the Unemployed, which had the lowest Number of Consumers at 2.

8. Across all 4 Occupations,the number of Consumers ranged from 2 to 113.

  1. The numnber of preferred cuisines by consumers was 93.48% higher than the available cuisines at 6.52%.

  2. It is worthy to note here that there is a demand and supply gap begging to be explored by the restaurants as the number of cuisines preffered by consumers is way higher than the number of available cuisines.

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