Airline Flights Delay Dashboard

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Airline Flights Delay Dashboard

Airline Flights Delay Dashboard

About this project

This Airline Flights Delay dataset seeks to provide the following insights into airline flight delays.


  1. How does the overall flight volume vary by month? By day of week?

  2. What percentage of flights in experienced a departure delay in 2015? Among those flights, what was the average delay time, in minutes?

  3. How does the % of delayed flights vary throughout the year? What about for flights leaving from Boston (BOS) specifically?

  4. How many flights were cancelled in 2015? What % of cancellations were due to weather? What % were due to the Airline/Carrier?

  5. Which airlines seem to be most and least reliable, in terms of on-time departure?

At 679,322, Southwest Airlines Co. had the highest Total Uptime and was 1,687.41% higher than Virgin America, which had the lowest Total Uptime at 38,006.

Southwest Airlines Co. accounted for 18.83% of Total Uptime.

Across all 14 Airlines, Total Uptime ranged from 38,006 to 679,322.

At 872,521, Thursday had the highest Number of Flights and was 24.55% higher than Saturday, which had the lowest Number of Flights at 700,545.

Thursday accounted for 14.99% of Number of Flights.

Across all 7 Days of the Week, Number of Flights ranged from 700,545 to 872,521.

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