Who Wins the 2020 Presidential Election If...

Tools used in this project
Who Wins the 2020 Presidential Election If...

Excel Tutorial

About this project

A wildly popular post on Reddit's dataisbeautiful subreddit was the source for Makeover Monday on week 27 in 2021. It showed a series of hypothetical electoral maps assuming only citizens from certain demographics had voted in the 2020 US presidential election:

undefined(this is a cropped version of the visual, which included maps for 28 different demographics)

I thought using a combination of a stacked bar chart and a map worked beautifully, but the idea of having to scroll through all 28 versions seemed tiresome to me. So I had a better idea of how to "scroll" through them:

undefinedThis way, you can see the results from all of the scenarios at the same time using the stacked bar chart on the left, and still scroll through them to see the electoral map change accordingly. It also highlights the changes in the map more clearly, which I thought was a nice extra touch.

I had to use quite a few Excel "pro tips" on this one, so it's worth checking out the video tutorial!

*This project is my entry for Makeover Monday Week 27 (2021)

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