Fizz and Figures: Decoding Beverage Sales Analytics

Fizz and Figures: Decoding Beverage Sales Analytics

About this project


This project delves into the performance of various products, including coffee, tea, bakery items, drinking chocolate, branded coffee beans, loose tea, flavors, and packaged chocolate. By dissecting sales data from this diverse range, I aim to provide valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and strategic opportunities for specific stores in California's vibrant landscape.


I employed a Kaggle dataset that included crucial details such as transaction ID, transaction date, transaction time, transaction quantity, store ID, store location, product ID, unit price, product category, product type, and product details. Leveraging the robust features of Microsoft Excel, I meticulously conducted data cleaning and analysis, implementing DAX functions to ensure comprehensive insights. The analytical process was structured into distinct phases, encompassing meticulous data cleaning, strategic application of DAX functions, visualization creation using Microsoft Power BI, and synthesizing insights. The final output includes actionable recommendations derived from a thorough analysis of the dataset.

undefinedInitiating the analysis journey, I prioritized the pivotal data cleaning phase for its foundational role. My initial steps involved identifying and removing duplicates, followed by a thorough examination for any missing values. Restructuring the dataset for optimal coherence, I strategically calculated sales by multiplying the unit price by the quantity purchased. Employing DAX functions, I crafted a comprehensive table delineating weekdays and months. A noteworthy observation emerged during the sales analysis, indicating higher sales on Mondays and Fridays. This insight prompted a focused exploration of sales trends.

undefinedSatisfied with the preparatory steps, I seamlessly transitioned to the next phase by loading the refined dataset into Microsoft Power BI, laying a solid foundation for subsequent visualizations and insights for this analysis.


Within the Power BI platform, a meticulous validation of each column's data type was conducted, ensuring harmonization with the dataset's inherent details. This crucial step aimed to fortify the accuracy and integrity of subsequent analyses. To enrich the analytical toolkit, new measures were introduced, including Revenue amounting to 698.8k, a Total Transaction Quantity of 214k, and a noteworthy Sales Growth of 6.23% in the monthly sales domain. These measures serve as key indicators, contributing depth to the overall insights derived from the data.

undefinedData modeling was a crucial part of this analysis. It involved organizing and defining relationships within the datasets, creating a solid foundation for exploring and understanding the data effectively. The combination of careful data validation, introduction of important metrics, and thoughtful data modeling formed the basis for a thorough and insightful analytical process.


undefinedIn the dashboard overview, key financial metrics include a total revenue of 698.8k, a total sales quantity reaching 214k, and a notable sales growth of 6.23% across the months. To dissect insights, I leveraged the product type slicer, employing a line graph to illustrate sales by product category. Notably, coffee emerged as the top-selling product with 270k in sales, followed by tea at 196k.

Using a stacked column chart, I depicted the sales trend from January to June. June led with the highest sales at 166k, followed by May (157k), April (119k), March (99k), February (76k), and January (82k), with February recording the lowest sales. Further granularity was achieved by utilizing another stacked column chart to visualize sales across different store locations. The analysis revealed that Lower Manhattan had the lowest sales at 230k, Asteria at 232k, and Hell's Kitchen at 237k. This visualization collectively provides a clear snapshot of the sales dynamics.

undefinedIn the second dashboard, the map feature effectively pinpoints store locations across the USA. The stacked bar chart takes center stage, spotlighting the top 10 highest-selling products. Batista Espresso leads with a notable 91k in sales, followed by Brewed Chai Tea at 77k, and Hot Chocolate at 72k, among others. Notably, Gourmet Brewed Coffee with 70k falls within the median sales range, offering a comprehensive view of product performance.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the product landscape, a detailed table is employed. This table meticulously lays out information on all products, including quantity and sales figures. This deliberate inclusivity serves a specific purpose: to make products not prominently featured in the stacked bar chart readily accessible for scrutiny. Such a meticulous approach aligns seamlessly with the overarching goal of this analysis—gaining profound insights into customer preferences and discerning market trends. The strategic combination of the map, stacked bar chart, and detailed table in this visualization suite contributes to a nuanced and thorough exploration of the dataset, shedding light on both the spatial distribution of store locations and the intricate dynamics of product sales.


Based on the insights gleaned from the dashboards, several recommendations can be proposed to enhance the productivity and sales performance of the Californian business:

  • Strategic Product Focus: Capitalize on the success of high-selling products like Batista Espresso and Brewed Chai Tea. Consider promotional strategies or bundle deals to further boost sales.
  • Geographical Expansion: Leverage the geographical insights provided by the map to identify potential areas for expansion or new store locations. Target regions with high market potential or underserved areas.
  • Diversification and Innovation: Explore opportunities for introducing new and innovative products. Consider customer preferences and market trends to diversify the product offerings and attract a broader consumer base.
  • Sales Promotion on Peak Days: Given the observed sales trends, concentrate promotional efforts, and special offers on Mondays and Fridays to maximize revenue during peak sales days.
  • Optimized Inventory Management: Implement an efficient inventory management system to ensure that popular products are consistently stocked, avoiding stockouts, and minimizing excess inventory costs.
  • Customer Engagement and Preferences Analysis: Leverage the detailed table to conduct a deeper analysis of customer preferences. Gather feedback through surveys or reviews to understand what customers value most and tailor offerings accordingly.
  • Data-Driven Marketing Strategies: Utilize the insights from the dashboards to inform targeted marketing campaigns. Tailor advertisements and promotions based on the highest-selling products and peak sales periods.
  • Staff Training and Product Knowledge: Enhance staff training programs to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the product range. Knowledgeable staff can provide better customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Collaboration with Local Businesses: Explore partnerships with local businesses or events to increase visibility and attract a broader customer base. Collaborative efforts can lead to mutual benefits and enhanced community engagement.
  • Regular Performance Reviews: Establish a routine for reviewing dashboard metrics to monitor the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Regular assessments will enable timely adjustments and continuous improvement.

By implementing these recommendations, these Californian stores can foster a more productive and responsive operation, capitalize on successful products, and strategically expand their market presence, ultimately leading to increased sales and sustained growth.


In summary, this analysis has uncovered key insights that can drive impactful decisions for these Californian businesses. By focusing on top-selling products, exploring new locations, and diversifying offerings, these businesses are positioned for increased sales and market responsiveness. Strategic promotions, optimized inventory, and staff training further contribute to each business's success. This data-driven approach ensures adaptability and customer satisfaction, laying the groundwork for sustained growth and profitability.

Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Przemyslaw Grynagiel
Przemyslaw Grynagiel
8 months ago
Great work and really insightful description.
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