Data Mart Sales Performance Report

Tools used in this project
Data Mart Sales Performance Report

Data Mart Sales Performance Dashboard

About this project

Data Mart, an online supermarket specializing in fresh produce, underwent significant transformations in June 2020. They implemented sustainable packaging methods across their entire product range i.e. from the farm all the way to the customer. In this case study, I explored an analysis of Data Mart's sales performance, both pre- and post-implementation of these changes. The aim of this analysis is to quantify the impact brought about by this strategic shift. Some of the key business questions that l addressed in order to provide valuable insights to the Data Mart team include:

  • What was the quantifiable impact of the changes introduced in June 2020?
  • Which platform, region, segment and customer types were the most impacted by this change?
  • What can we do about future introduction of similar sustainability updates to the business to minimize impact on sales?

Given the observed 1.15% and 2.24% decline in sales over the 4 weeks and 12 weeks period after implementation of sustainable packaging, It is crucial to address this trend and here are some recommendations Data Mart can put in place:

  1. Gathering Customer Feedback
  • Data Mart’s customer support team should actively gather feedback from customers, specifically focusing on their perceptions of sustainable packaging. This feedback will be instrumental in understanding customer concerns and sentiments.
  • Objective: Identify specific issues or challenges customers may be facing with the new packaging and gather insights into their overall satisfaction with the changes.
  1. Reevaluating Marketing Strategies
  • Data Mart’s marketing team should reassess their strategies to effectively communicate the benefits of sustainable packaging. This includes addressing any misconceptions or concerns customers may have about the environmental impact.
  • Objective: Ensure that marketing materials clearly convey the positive aspects of sustainable packaging and alleviate any doubts or misunderstandings among the customers.
  1. Proactive Communication
  • In future changes or implementations, Data Mart should communicate such alterations to customers in advance. Provide clear and concise information about the reasons behind the packaging changes and emphasize the benefits to both customers and the environment.
  • Objective: Create transparency and build trust with customers by keeping them informed about upcoming changes.
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