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Genres & Rating | Reading Wrapped '23

Genres & Rating Tableau Dashboard

About this project

I wanted to make a fun and visually engaging viz about the 35 books I've read in 2023. In my day job functional business dashboards are the main priority, so it was a lot of fun playing around with Sankey charts. I also really enjoyed looking into the flow and distribution of my genres read to my ratings and comparing these to the Goodreads averages.

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Discussion and feedback(26 comments)
Donald Ngalawa
Donald Ngalawa
7 months ago
This is such a brilliantly unique project! I can only hope to get to the point of seamlessly fusing my (still developing) data skills and other passions as well as you have done here. Well done, Leah!

Madusha Hikkaduwage
Madusha Hikkaduwage
7 months ago
This is such a great project.. keep it up!!

Ruben  Hernandez
Ruben Hernandez
7 months ago
This is so cool to look at and play around with! As an aside, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is my favorite book in the series and the actually the first one I read in 2nd grade! (I didn't know it was a series at the time )

Justine Claire Desepeda
Justine Claire Desepeda
7 months ago
Such an amazing Work! well done <3

Moll Roberts
Moll Roberts
7 months ago
Oh my goodness, I LOVE this. I think the visuals really capture the styles of your preferred genres. Such a romantic way of displaying data!

Julia Byers
Julia Byers
7 months ago
I love this! I've recently come across another analyst on Instagram that does some amazing reading visualizations as well. I wish I had thought of it :)

Amarylis Valentin
Amarylis Valentin
7 months ago
What a creative, beautiful visualization! I especially like how you display the disparities between your ratings vs. Goodreads public rating.

Rustam Aliyev
Rustam Aliyev
6 months ago
Wow, your project is seriously outstanding! Great job!
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