Title: Predicting health risks for pregnant patients
Data Visualization Tool: Microsoft Excel and Tableau
Datasets Source: Quantum Analytics NG
Data was collected from different hospitals, community clinics, and maternal health cares through the IoT-based risk monitoring system. With the following fields:
Age: Age in years when a woman is pregnant.
SystolicBP: Upper value of Blood Pressure in mmHg, another significant attribute during pregnancy.
Diastolic BP: The lower value of Blood Pressure in mmHg, another significant attribute during pregnancy.
BS: Blood glucose levels are in terms of a molar concentration, mmol/L.
Heart Rate: A normal resting heart rate in beats per minute.
Risk Level: Predicted Risk Intensity Level during pregnancy considering the previous attribute.
Inspiration for the Insights generated:
Which health conditions are the strongest indications for health risks during pregnancy?