Data Playground
Explore and download sample datasets hand-picked by Maven instructors. Practice applying your data analysis and visualization skills to real-world data, from flight delays and movie ratings to shark attacks and UFO sightings.
Complete music streaming history for an individual Spotify user
Data on ~150k works that have been accessioned into MoMA's collection
Daily traffic estimates and pre-pandemic comparisons across MTA services.
Halloween candy ranked using 269k votes from random 1v1 matchups.
Productivity & downtime data for a soda bottling production line.
Sales and geospatial data for a US national candy distributor.
Account information for 10,000 customers at a European bank.
Data that simulates the behavior of Cafe Rewards members over a 30-day period.
Synthetic data on ~1k patients of Massachussets General Hospital.
Video game sales for 64,016 titles released from 1971-2024.
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