Self-Paced Course
Excel Charts & Graphs
Design beautiful and effective charts & graphs, create your own custom visuals, and master 20+ chart templates in Excel 2016+

Course Description
Excel is an incredibly powerful data visualization platform for those willing to think beyond rows, columns, and primitive pie charts -- and we're here to prove it.
This course provides a deep, comprehensive review of Excel's latest data visualization tools and techniques. We'll discuss when, why, and how to use each type of chart, introduce key data visualization best practices, and work through interactive, hands-on demos and exercises every step of the way.
We'll review common chart elements and formatting options, dive into each of the 20+ chart types available in Excel 2016+, and then wrap things up with a series of custom visuals and advanced demos guaranteed to transform you into an absolute data viz ROCKSTAR.
4.5 hours on-demand video (8.0 CPE credits)
3 quizzes
16 homework assignments
2 skills assessments (1 benchmark, 1 final)
- Welcome to the Course!
- Benchmark Assessment
- Course Structure & Outline
- DOWNLOAD: Course Resources
- Setting Expectations
- Key Data Viz Principles & the 10-Second Rule
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- The 3 Key Questions
- Chart Elements, Layouts, Colors & Styles
- Chart Formatting Options
- Changing Chart Types & Adding a Secondary Axis
- Creating, Modifying & Applying Custom Templates
- QUIZ: Chart Customization
- Bar & Column Charts
- Histogram & Pareto Charts (Office 365/2016+)
- Line Charts & Trendlines
- Area Charts
- Pies, Donuts & Race Tracks
- Scatter Plots
- Bubble Charts
- Box & Whisker Charts (Office 365/2016+)
- Tree Maps & Sunburst Charts (Office 365/2016+)
- Waterfall Charts (Office 365/2016+)
- Funnel Charts (Office 365/2016+)
- Radar Charts
- Stock Charts
- Heat Maps
- Surface & Contour Charts
- Geo-Spatial Maps with Power Map
- Basic Combo Charts
- Sparklines
- QUIZ: Basic Chart Types
- Setting Expectations
- Custom Image Overlay Charts
- Adding Binary Values to Highlight Dates
- Automation with OFFSET, COUNTA & Named Ranges
- Adding Scroll & Zoom Functionality with Form Controls
- Animating Changes Over Time
- Building a Dynamic Dashboard
- Value-Based Dynamic Formatting
- Dynamically Highlighting a Data Series
- Building a Custom Pacing Chart
- Designing a Custom Gauge Chart
- Visualizing Percentages Using Array Functions
- QUIZ: Advanced Data Vizualization Techniques
- Final Assessment
- Course Feedback Survey
- Share the love!
- Next Steps
Excel users looking to bring their data to life with beautiful and effective charts & graphs
Analysts or BI professionals looking to develop expert-level data visualization skills
Anyone seeking to understand key visualization principles and best practices
Microsoft Excel, ideally 2016+ or Office 365 for PC (several chart types are not available in older versions of Excel)
Mac users are welcome to join, but may have challenges following along
No advance preparation is required
Identify Excel's basic data visualization functionality, including contextual menus, chart behaviors, worksheet gridlines, and custom chart templates
Identify chart elements & formatting options, including layouts, styles, trendlines, secondary axes, and the format pane
Identify and interpret key Excel charts & graphs, including the type of data needed, the message they communicate, and common use cases
Identify examples of pro tips applied to custom visuals, including custom number formats, color scales, named ranges, form controls, and data validation lists
CPE Credits: 8.0
Field of Study: Information Technology
Delivery Method: QAS Self Study
Maven Analytics LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints or refunds, please contact us at admin@mavenanalytics.io or (857) 256-1765.
*Last Updated: December 1, 2021
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