Maven Data ChallengeMaven Toys Challenge
Analyze sales & inventory data for a Mexican toy store chain to outline a potential expansion plan.
May 06, 2021
Start date

May 25, 2021

0 days
Days remaining

Free Annual Membership
Grand prize
Challenge Objective

For the Maven Toys Challenge, you will be assuming the role of a BI consultant that has just been hired by Maven Toys. As they look to expand their business with new stores, they've brought you in to analyze interesting patterns and trends in their data and help them make informed decisions.

Your task is to share a single-page visual or dashboard that outlines a potential expansion plan and contains the supporting data from your analysis.

About The Data SetSales & inventory data for a fictitious chain of toy stores in Mexico called Maven Toys, including information about products, stores, daily sales transactions, and current inventory levels at each location.
Maven Toys
Mexico Toy Sales
Sales & inventory data for a fictitious chain of toy stores in Mexico
File type
Multiple tables
Data structure
# of records
# of fields
Challenge SubmissionsExplore the projects submitted to this challenge for inspiration on your next project
Official Terms & Conditions
  • Maven Analytics will give away 1 Annual subscription for an Individual account. After the one year period, the subscription will expire.
  • No purchase is necessary to enter.
  • Data Analyst Bootcamp is not included in this prize. That is a separate offering, and not eligible.
  • The challenge will close to new entries on Tuesday, May 25th, 2021, at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. All entries must be submitted prior.
  • After the submission deadline, finalists will be chosen by the Maven team.
  • Maven Analytics will select 1 winner from the finalists, and will announce the winner on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 at 10:00am Eastern Standard Time. The official announcement will be posted on LinkedIn from the Maven Analytics LinkedIn account.

Don't want to participate in the Maven Toys Challenge? No problem. You can still analyze the data on your own. All of the Data Playground datasets are completely free and are available for everyone to learn with. Feel free to dig in anytime.

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